Our Team

Our Team

Meet our team of Creators, Designers and Developers

Muhammad Kamal

CEO / Full Stack Developer

I have been working as a Frontend Developer since 2018. I like to automate manual workflows using web technologies.

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Tehseen Kiani

Marketing Manager / SEO Expert

I like to do search engine optimization (SEO) of websites. My website 'Technochops'(now sold) is one of a successful website which ranked for thousands of keywords in Google.

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Umair Zubair

Frontend Developer

I graduated from Bahira University with a degree in Computer Science. My interests are in Frontend Engineering, and I love to create beautiful and performant products with delightful user experiences. My tech stack is: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Emotion Styled Components

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Zain Kiani

Junior Frontend Developer

I develop websites by using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My aim is to develop web applications that can enhance user experience.

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Muhamamd Anas

Junior Frontend Developer

I develop websites by using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My aim is to develop web applications that can enhance user experience.

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Netlift Technologies

Police Foundation, Islamabad
Email Address
+92 331 5159571

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